


有你們 我好幸福!
謝謝你們也愛我 希望我也讓你們幸福!

i Love u!

i Love u too!!!!!!

love u too

其他的好友,敬請期待我的表白。有心的話,也可以先和我說 :)



  • 價值觀
  • 國際觀
  • 專業知識
  • 有條有理
  • 辯才無礙
  • 中英文


  1. 深耕廣植你的知識技能
  2. 了解自己的成就感和企圖心
  3. 有終身受用的興趣和專長


Van Gogh Exhibition「燃燒的靈魂‧梵谷」特展

Finally I got the chance to see the painting exhibition with Jessica. It has been six years since we went to see riverdance(Irish dance) together. How I wish Seven could go with us but she already had plan to see Avendano on that day.

The tickets are sold by choosing not only a particular date but also a time period of entering-morning, afternoon or evening. The purpose seems to control the number of visiting people for fear of crowding and it really saved our queuing time.

Based on Vincent's(1853-1890) route to artistic creation, the exhibition space is divided into seven areas with the time phases-Borinage, Etten, Hague, Nuenen, Paris, South of France (Arles and Saint-Remy) and Auvers-sur-Oise with 77 drawings and 21 oil paintings. Before we get to see those masterpieces, a person who should be respected first is Theodorus, Vincent's younger brother. Without his support to Vincent's living, Vincent could not have finished so many artworks. He was a great man for cherishing the brotherliness and appreciating his brother's talent. The reason why I admire Vincent very much is he had the courage to start the interest as his career although he was already 27 years old at that time. About his love sotry, it is a pity that he had not met his true love in his whole life. Love is always the energy for people to move on especially for very lonely people like him.

Back to our visit, Jessica and I looked over all the art pieces though my favorites-the starry night-is not showned. Both of us thinks it's still a very valuable opportunity as this is the very first time that Kroller-Muller Museum in Netherlands shared those artworks to Taiwan. Still, I hope I'll have the chance to Netherlands, France or New York to visit the museums for other famous masterpieces in the near future.


my school life in 2009

Happy Lunar New Year! It also means the semester comes to the end for winter vacation. To sum up, my 1st semester was wonderfual. I had fun with new friends and learned something. Though it's a pity that most courses in the first year are mandatory which are not that new and exciting for me. I know I'll have to try something different and more pratical, then it'll be perfect!


Web 2.0 Marketing

Before this semester ends, I would like to summarize some interesting topics I learned. The first subject comes to my mind is Web 2.0 in Marketing which George has been lecturing from Mid-term.

To start with the difference between 1.0 and 2.0 some people are curious about, here I quote Joe Drumgoole's a little comparative analysis:
  • Web 1.0 was about reading, Web 2.0 is about writing

  • Web 1.0 was about companies, Web 2.0 is about communities

  • Web 1.0 was about client-server, Web 2.0 is about peer to peer

  • Web 1.0 was about HTML, Web 2.0 is about XML

  • Web 1.0 was about home pages, Web 2.0 is about blogs

  • Web 1.0 was about portals, Web 2.0 is about RSS

  • Web 1.0 was about taxonomy, Web 2.0 is about tags

  • Web 1.0 was about wires, Web 2.0 is about wireless

  • Web 1.0 was about owning, Web 2.0 is about sharing

  • Web 1.0 was about IPOs, Web 2.0 is about trade sales

  • Web 1.0 was about Netscape, Web 2.0 is about Google

  • Web 1.0 was about web forms, Web 2.0 is about web applications

  • Web 1.0 was about screen scraping, Web 2.0 is about APIs

  • Web 1.0 was about dialup, Web 2.0 is about broadband

  • Web 1.0 was about hardware costs, Web 2.0 is about bandwidth costs

There are two points I'll raise to specifiy. First, RSS, "Really Simple Syndication". It is a format of Web feed used to update publish the frequently updated webs-such as blogs, news, vedio, and audio- in a standardized format. RSS document contains full or summarized texts, plus metadata (元數據、元資料、中介資料)such as publishing data and authorship. Web feeds benefits publishers by letting them syndicate content automatically, and benefit the readers who want to subscribe to timely updates from favored websites or to aggregate feeds from many sites into one place. (from wiki)

Then, what is metadata? Metadata is "data about data" and can be text, voice, or image that describes what the audience wants or needs to see or experience. Metadata is important because it aids in clarifying and finding the actual data. (from wiki)

E.g. Metadata that document data about data elements or attributes, (name, size, data type, etc) and data about records or data structures (length, fields, columns, etc) and data about data (where it is located, how it is associated, ownership, etc.). Metadata may include descriptive information about the context, quality and condition, or characteristics of the data.

The most important issue here is does meta help your ranking in web marketing? Some people give postive answers while some say no. However, Google do recommend using Meta description tage. I did not have any concepts of meta until one of my team members in Marketing recommended making use of it to raise the ranking of IMBA of NTHU. To summarize, from my understanding, Goolge will use Meta information as associated keywords to search for the required relevant resources and it aids the ranking.






一起來去吧 :)